Bulletin January 19, 2014

The Light of Christ calling us

January 19, 2014

Gathering in Gods grace

Pre-service music


Hymns             All Creatures of Our God and King

Take My Life and Let It Be

Call to worship

Prayer of invocation

Hymn              Overcome

Hearing Gods grace

Children’s story

Offering/Hymn           Praise God from whom           HWB 119

Scripture          Micah 6: 6-8; Luke 4:14-19; Mathew 25:31-46


Hymn              As the Deer

Sharing Gods grace

Sharing of joys and concerns and church at work (Announcements)

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn              I Have Decided to Follow Jesus


Today                          Sermon: Steve Koleszar

Everyone is welcome to stay for the fellowship meal

immediately following the worship service.


This Week

Today              Fellowship meal

Tues                 Men's breakfast at Bodo's on Preston 6:30 am


Upcoming Events

Jan 27              Board of Elders                                  7:00 pm

Jan 28              Scripture from the heart                      7:00 pm

Feb 2               Annual Alderfer Super Bowl Party

Feb 4               Men’s breakfast at Bodo’s on Preston 6:30 am

Feb 11             Ad council                                          7:00 pm

Feb 16             Fellowship meal

Feb 18             Men’s breakfast at Bodo’s on Preston 6:30 am

Everyone is welcome to stay for the fellowship meal

immediately following the worship service.

 This Week

Today              Fellowship meal

Tues                 Men's breakfast at Bodo's on Preston 6:30 am

Upcoming Events

Jan 27              Board of Elders                                  7:00 pm

Jan 28              Scripture from the heart                      7:00 pm

Feb 2               Annual Alderfer Super Bowl Party

Feb 4               Men’s breakfast at Bodo’s on Preston 6:30 am

Feb 11             Ad council                                          7:00 pm

Feb 16             Fellowship meal

Feb 18             Men’s breakfast at Bodo’s on Preston 6:30 am

Exhibition: "Rembrandt and the Mennonite Community" Did Rembrandt belong to the Mennonite Community? This exhibit explores his connections to Amsterdam’s diverse Protestant, Jewish, and Mennonite groups. Artworks and early books are on loan from private collections, the National Gallery of Art, and EMU. Visitor Info: Jan 15-Feb 28, Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, Sun Hours: 1/26/14, 2/23/14; 1-5pm at Lisanby Museum (JMU): Festival Room 1108. Parking: Use metered parking in lot C12. Special interactive learning materials for K-12 children, teachers, and parents have been created by Sarah Brown. Available at https://sites.jmu.edu/rembrandt/