CMC Mission & Vision

Charlottesville Mennonite Church seeks to build the Kingdom of God by following Jesus in our daily lives, to worship him in both word and deed and to be a welcoming table for all to fellowship.

We do this in the following ways:

  • Worship: Weekly worship that involves singing, spoken word, teaching/preaching, and prayer.
  • Fellowship: Whether it is Sunday meetings, fellowship meals once a month (after church) or small groups, CMC is intentional in its effort to provide space for people to gather and encounter each other’s lives.
  • Spiritual Formation: We believe we’re all to take part of the grand narrative of God’s work in the world in the establishing, building and celebrating of his Kingdom on this earth. Doing that requires that we walk with each other, encouraging and feeding one another in deliberate ways to reflect the Kingdom. This takes the form of Sunday School meetings, small groups and individual discipleship relationships.
  • Peace & Justice: A core element of our identity as followers of Jesus is to model his vision of Shalom both today and in the world to come. As members of the Kingdom it is our commission to be about the work of conflict transformation, bringing people together to foster long-lasting peace. We do this from a rooted experience in the Scriptures and a keen awareness of trauma and the effects it has on people. We seek to walk alongside those who suffer trauma, providing support both spiritually and physically.
  • Sermon on the Mount: As Mennonites, our history comes from a fresh attention to the teachings on the Sermon on the Mount. As people of God, we aim to not only enact the Sermon’s principles, but to embody the sermon as a vision of the Kingdom.